
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2020

Key Internet Statistics to Know in 2020 (Including Mobile) | Estadísticas clave de Internet para saber en 2020 (incluido el móvil)

Each year the internet grows and 2020 will be no different. From social media to video consumption, search terms, and ecommerce, you can do just about anything online. With this post, we’ve compiled the most relevant 2020 internet statistics to serve as a reference for information, projects, blog posts, and more, about all of those topics above. We hope you find this information useful and we will continue to update this post as statistics become outdated, updated, or changed. 2020 General Internet Usage Statistics  With a current world estimated population of 7.8 billion, there are approximately 4.79 billion people worldwide who have access to and use the internet frequently. That means that 61.4% of the world population uses the internet.  From the year 2000 to 2019, the usage of the internet increased by 1,157%.  As of June 2019, the world region of Asia accounts for the majority of internet users in the world. 2,300,469,859 people in Asia are online, which mak...

Place to Work Receives 2020 Miami Award

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE P lace to Work Receives 2020 Miami Award Miami Award Program Honors the Achievement MIAMI March 2, 2020 -- Place to Work has been selected for the 2020 Miami Award in the Business Services category by the Miami Award Program. Each year, the Miami Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Miami area a great place to live, work and play. Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2020 Miami Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Miami Award Program and data provided by third parties. About Miami Award Program The Miami Award Prog...


La televisión cerrada, que a diferencia de otros géneros sí está pasando por una revolución, se ha vuelto proclive a los giros truculentos. Sus antepasados más obvios son el cine argumental y la literatura, aunque también cuenta la propia televisión comercial que aquí y allá tuvo producciones muy valiosas. La truculencia de la nueva televisión se deriva tal vez de la inseguridad que produce en sus creadores el novedoso terreno que pisan. Digamos que es raro que una serie nos cuente la vida tal y cual es, centrándose en personas con las que nos gustaría tomarnos un café. Por el contrario, están llenas de psicópatas y de gente a la que uno le huiría no ya a la hora del café, sino en la calle. Los ejemplos abundan. Por carencia de espacio, mencionaré apenas unos pocos. De más está decir que pese a que Los Soprano es una obra maestra, uno no querría cruzarse con un Tony Soprano jamás de los jamases. Y vaya que vivir en los bajos fondos de Baltimore, donde viven los personajes de The Wire...

Long Term Mindset Key to all success in life | Mentalidad de Largo Plazo. Llave de todo éxito en la vida

The long-term mentality is not popular in modern life and possibly has not been so throughout history. However, it is the safest way to achieve goals that people and organizations set. This is so for a powerful reason: the long-term mentality always operates with time in its favor. There is no better ally (or worse enemy), than time. Before him all the resources that individuals have pale. He marches at his pace in an impassive, ruthless and unforgiving way. Its power raises one of two options: it faces its energy or takes advantage of it. "Everything heals, accommodates and resolves over time." This is a statement that people understand well and accept. However, in addition to this, it is not a premise that they put into practice when it comes to setting goals and achieving them. The human being worships immediate retribution, instant response. He has a short-term mentality that responds to an unconscious hedonism, the insecurity he possesses and all the fears that poss...